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Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Role of the Volunteer Manager when Using an Online System

Copyright © 2010 by Primary Key Technologies, Inc. and brought to you by YourVolunteers®.

You have a huge special event coming up, you've signed up for an online managment and scheduling system -- now what? After the question about recruiting, this is probably the question that we receive most.

Become Familiar with the System

Many of the available systems are fairly extensive and there is a learning curve. Give yourself plenty of time before using it to be sure that you can work with it. When the usual craziness happens in the days immediately before your event, you don't want to be struggling with the system trying to figure out how to get it to do what you need it to do.

Set Up the Tasks

It's important to give your volunteers as much information as possible about the tasks they'll be doing. Is there a person they'll need to find? Is there a meeting place? What will they be doing? It's also important that they know who you are and how they can contact you. Always keep in mind that not all potential volunteers have email addresses so you'll need to include other ways for them to contact you.

Answer Questions before You Get Them

If you've done this before, you know that you'll get a lot of the same questions (e.g. do I get free admission, will the free t-shirt look good on a burly man in his 40's, etc.). If you have a place to go ahead and answer these questions, be sure to do so before the first volunteers come to your site. This will save you an enormous amount of time, especially in the weeks immediately before your event (i.e. when there's no time to spare).

Make Sure that Your Volunteers Know that They Are Part of a Team

We know that you're busy in the planning of a successful event, but it's really important to keep in contact with your volunteers. In some cases, they will be flying across the country to volunteer for you, so you'll want them to know that they're efforts are appreciated and that the event can't succeed without them. We don't have any evidence-based research to support this, but it seems pretty clear to us that volunteer managers who don't follow this advice seem to have more no-shows than those who do. Tweet, do video blogs, do podcasts, write messages on the website, but just do something to let them know that you are a living, breathing human being and you need their help. Whatever it is that you do, always keep in mind those volunteers without email since they usually are just as dedicated as the others and you don't want to risk alienating them by only sending out updates by email. If you're responsibilities to the event keep you from being a good volunteer leader, ask one of the volunteers to take the lead.

New Volunteers

You'll want to keep a close eye on the online system that you use for new volunteer registrations. When you use an online system, it's pretty common for volunteers to sign up for an event but not input their availability or choose specific tasks. You'll need to follow up and encourage them to complete the process or you risk losing their help at the event. Even if they do complete the process, it's a nice touch to send them a thank you message anyway for their willingness to help.


You'll be one of the lucky few if you have an event where you'll have plenty of volunteers coming to you without having to do any recruitment. The earlier that you start the recruitment process (see our previous post for ideas), the better your mental health will be as the event draws near.

Confirm, Then Re-Confirm

If you've started the recruitment process well ahead of time (like you should have), you'll need to check in with your volunteers at least a month before the event to be sure that they're still able to make it especially if many of them will be traveling. This will give you enough time to find replacements if necessary. Immediately before the event, you'll want to confirm again. Even if you only have a couple of days to schedule replacements, it's still better than trying to do it on-site at the event.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Recruiting Volunteers for Your Event

Copyright © 2010 by Primary Key Technologies, Inc. and brought to you by YourVolunteers®.

One of the most common questions we receive is how to recruit volunteers for an upcoming event. A lot of big events travel, meaning that they take place in a different city each year, and it's up to a local host committee to enlist an army of dedicated volunteers to help make the event a success. But where to start?

Online Recruiting
  • Craigslist
    • This is our first recommendation to our event organizers and many have reported great success using the service. Every regional Craigslist has a "Volunteers" section that will allow you to post for free.
    • There are a lot of websites now that allow you to post volunteer opportunities, but is our favorite and receives a lot of traffic from those looking to help. As of today, there are 16,874 volunteer opportunities on the site.
  • Tweet about It on Twitter
    • It really works! There are Tweeple who have ongoing Twitter searches for terms such as, "Volunteer [your city]." They'll see your tweet as soon as you post it even if they aren't one of your followers. Just be sure to include the terms, "volunteer," your city, and a website where they can get more information.
  • Create a Meetup Group
    • This service already has a database of people of people right in your city who may have indicated that they are looking for volunteer opportunities. It does cost a little money to create a group, but you can seek out sponsors to cover the small cost.
Ask for Help
  • Convention and Tourism Bureaus
    • Your event is probably not the first one to come through your city. If your local convention and tourism bureau is not already involved, be sure to ask them for help. They generally are experienced in finding volunteers locally for large events.
  • Previous Local Host Committees for Your Event
    • Don't just ask the committee from the previous year -- go back a few years to get as many ideas as you can.
  • Other Organizers in Your City
    • Find out who led the volunteer recruitment effort for other big events in your city and find out what they did and how successful their efforts were.
  • Current Volunteers
    • Don't be afraid to ask that your current volunteers to ask their friends and family to see if anyone else is interested. You'd be surprised at how many people are willing to give their time to their community even if they are not interested in the event itself.
  • Local Volunteer Organizations
    • Every community has groups who enjoy doing community service together. Approach your local Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, sororities, fraternities, and any others that you can find. Ask to attend one of their meetings, present how the event will benefit the community, and how many people the event will be bringing to your city.
  • Local Governments
    • Contact your city's special events office or the manager's office and ask for assistance since the event will be benefiting the community. At the very least, they may be willing to send an email to everyone within the city asking for volunteers for your event.
  • The Press
    • Contact your local newspaper and TV news programs and ask for help. Again, present how the event will benefit the community and hopefully your event will get an article or a TV interview.
  • Consultants
  • Students Majoring in...
    • As an example, if you are putting on a music festival, approach the music department of a local college or university. If it's an arts festival, the arts department, etc.
How Much Time Should You Give Yourselves

You're a busy person and you probably don't have 40 hours a week to work on volunteer recruitment. Also, if you are working on a national event, people may be coming to your city to volunteers so you'll want to give them enough time to arrange travel and lodging. You should give yourself at least six months for recruitment and for scheduling the volunteers if possible. Providing constant reminders will help to keep your volunteers involved and will lower the possibility of no-shows when the event takes place.